Questões de Falso Cognatos | False Cognates (Inglês)

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São exemplos de palavras cognatas nas línguas inglesa e portuguesa, exceto:

  • A Museum.
  • B Heart.
  • C Emotion.
  • D Offensive.
“There is then, a window of opportunity that is opening to improve English instruction in Brazilian education and a chance to modernize the way school is structured in the country.” (2º§)

( ) The word “opportunity” is cognate, which means it is similar to Portuguese and has the same meaning in English.

( ) The word “improve” is cognate and the word “improbable” is one of its synonyms.

( ) The word “modernize” is a cognate word. It could be substituted by the word “update”.

( ) The word “country” is a false cognate. It seems to be a type of music, but it is actually referring to places far from the city.

The sequence is correct only in:
  • A F, T, F, T.
  • B T, F, T, F.
  • C T, T, T, F.
  • D F, F, F, T.

Analyze the following statement about cognates and false cognates. 

The English word "fabric" is a cognate of the Portuguese word "fábrica," both referring to a place where cloth or textile materials are produced. 

  • Certo
  • Errado

Analyze the following statement about cognates and false cognates. 

The English word "eventually" and the Portuguese word "eventualmente" are false cognates, as "eventually" indicates something that will happen at some point in the future, while "eventualmente" means something that happens occasionally or at irregular intervals.

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Analyze the following statement about cognates and false cognates. 

The English word "apparent" and the Portuguese word "aparente" are false cognates, as "apparent" in English means something that seems to be true or real but may not be, while "aparente" in Portuguese means something that is clearly visible or obvious.

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