Questões de Pronomes | Pronouns (Inglês)

Limpar Busca

Read the sentences below and determine whether they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to structure and grammar use.

( ) grandmother’s generation and Chloe’s age group (paragraph 4), the (‘s) are examples of the genitive case.
( ) The pronouns themselves, they and, their (in bold in the 3rd paragraph of the text) are respectively: reflexive pronoun, subject pronoun and possessive pronoun.
( ) The underlined words in the text biggest and better are adjectives in the superlative and comparative form, respectively.
( ) In It’s changed my social life completely, the (‘s) is the contracted form of has.
( ) The discourse marker on the other hand (in the 4th paragraph of the text), is being used to show a logical connection.

Select the option that presents the correct sequence from top to bottom.

  • A T • T • F • T • T
  • B T • T • F • F • T
  • C T • F • T • T • F
  • D F • T • F • T • F
  • E F • F • T • F • T

Pronouns are words (or phrases) you substitute for nouns when your reader or listener already knows which noun you’re referring to.
In the sentence I joined to see what my grandchildren are doing, as my daughter posts videos and photos of them…, the word in bold refers to:

  • A grandchildren - daughter
  • B grandchildren
  • C daughter
  • D videos
  • E photos

Read the following sentences about “Uso e formação de Wh-questions e outras estruturas interrogativas.”

1. Wh-questions begin with what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why and how.

2. We use the ‘wh-questions’ to ask for information. The answer can be yes or no. We expect an answer which gives information.

3. We usually form ‘wh-questions’ with wh- + an auxiliary verb (be, do or have) + subject + infinitive verb or with wh- + a modal verb + subject + main verb.

4. When what, who, which or whose is the subject or part of the subject, we do not use the auxiliary. We use the word order subject + verb.

Select the option that presents the correct sentences.

  • A Only sentence 2 is correct.
  • B Only sentence 3 is correct.
  • C Only sentences 1 and 4 are correct.
  • D Only sentences 2 and 3 are correct.
  • E Only sentences 2 and 4 are correct.

Read the sentences below and determine whether they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to structure and grammar use.

( ) The verbs worn and thrown (1st paragraph of the text) has its infinitive form as wear and throw.

( ) The underlined words in the text: nothing, anything and, everyone are examples of relative pronouns.

( ) The singular form of the following words from the text clothes and goods are, respectively cloth and good.

( ) The following sentence from the text: “Fast fashion goes out of fashion as quickly as it came in …” (3rd paragraph of the text). The words in bold are being used to compare things that are equal in some way.

( ) The negative form of the sentence “In one year, they’d saved $55,000.” (5th paragraph of the text), is “In one year, they hadn’t saved $55,000.

Select the option that presents the correct sequence from top to bottom.

  • A T • T • F • F • T
  • B T • F • F • T • T
  • C F • T • F • T • F
  • D F • T • T • F • F
  • E F • T • F • T • T

Choose the sentence that correctly uses a relative clause: 

  • A The woman, who car is parked outside, is my friend.
  • B That is the house where I was born.
  • C The book, whose cover is torn, it is on the table.
  • D The man which is talking to you is my uncle.
  • E The city in what I live is very beautiful.