Questões de Sinônimos | Synonyms (Inglês)

Limpar Busca

In the context of the text, what is the best synonym for the word "breathtaking" in the sentence: "creating a breathtaking natural spectacle you should visit"?

  • A Ordinary.
  • B Extraordinary.
  • C Mundane.
  • D Negligible.

No trecho do segundo parágrafo – The manager must have a thorough knowledge... – o termo destacado em negrito pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por

  • A has to.
  • B may.
  • C used to.
  • D could.
  • E would.

Which of the alternatives below can replace the bold word “utmost” in line 42 with no significant changes in meaning?

  • A Minimal.
  • B Supreme.
  • C Inferior.
  • D Trivial.
  • E Negligible.

According to the text 1, the word “suffragists” in the first paragraph, means:

  • A Social reformers who advocated for equal pay for women.
  • B Women who fought for the right to vote.
  • C Activists who promoted women's rights in the workplace.
  • D Leaders who organized the first International Women's Day.
  • E Individuals who opposed women's participation in politics.

In the term “throughout” (4th paragraph) can be replaced by

  • A Across.
  • B Among.
  • C Between.
  • D Over.
  • E Beyond.