Questões de Substantivos e compostos | Nouns and compounds (Inglês)

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Considering the lexical-grammatical aspects of the English language, evaluate the following item.

The word "advice" is countable, so it's correct to say "an advice" when referring to a piece of advice.

  • Certo
  • Errado

Read the sentences below and determine whether they are true ( T ) or false ( F ), according to structure and grammar use.

( ) The verbs worn and thrown (1st paragraph of the text) has its infinitive form as wear and throw.

( ) The underlined words in the text: nothing, anything and, everyone are examples of relative pronouns.

( ) The singular form of the following words from the text clothes and goods are, respectively cloth and good.

( ) The following sentence from the text: “Fast fashion goes out of fashion as quickly as it came in …” (3rd paragraph of the text). The words in bold are being used to compare things that are equal in some way.

( ) The negative form of the sentence “In one year, they’d saved $55,000.” (5th paragraph of the text), is “In one year, they hadn’t saved $55,000.

Select the option that presents the correct sequence from top to bottom.

  • A T • T • F • F • T
  • B T • F • F • T • T
  • C F • T • F • T • F
  • D F • T • T • F • F
  • E F • T • F • T • T

Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas:

I. She has ______ friends in her new school.

II. He has _____ books on his shelf.

III. We need to buy _____ milk for the recipe.

IV. There are _____ clouds in the sky today.

  • A many – little – a few – too much.
  • B a few – many – a little – a lot of.
  • C a lot of – much - little – a few.
  • D a little – many – a few – lot.

The sentence “The lay population of EFL workers includes individuals who do not have the specific skills, knowledge, and conventions that professionals do.” (lines 23 and 24) has

  • A 1 noun phrase and 2 verb phrases.
  • B 1 noun phrase and 3 verb phrases.
  • C 2 noun phrases and 2 verb phrases.
  • D 2 noun phrases and 3 verb phrases.

Judge the next item, about the semantics and morphosyntax of the English language.

The sentence "The committee is deciding on the new policies" demonstrates a case of collective noun agreement, where "committee" is treated as singular despite referring to a group

  • Certo
  • Errado