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The passive voice cannot be used in all verb tenses, even if it fits the required structure. It is composed of the verb 'to be' followed by the main verb in the past continuous form.
- Certo
- Errado
Julgue o item a seguir.
The passive voice cannot be used in all verb tenses, even if it fits the required structure. It is composed of the verb 'to be' followed by the main verb in the past continuous form.
Which of the following adapted excerpts does NOT contain a passive voice structure?
Each of the following options presents a reformulation of the last sentence of text 22A4-II, which was originally written in the Passive Voice. Choose the one that maintains its meaning and correction.
The passive voice in line 08 ‘Other names were considered,’ has the ‘passive agent’ that will become the subject in active voice described in alternative:
The sentence that presents the verb form in the passive voice is: