Questões comentadas de Concursos para Professor de Educação Básica - Inglês

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Quanto à tipologia, o último parágrafo do texto lido, apresenta o tipo textual:

  • A Argumentativo.
  • B Narrativo.
  • C Injuntivo.
  • D Poemático.
  • E Descritivo.

O título do texto apresenta a função básica de:

  • A Recurso obrigatório para uso em todos os textos.
  • B Ilustração apenas do assunto abordado.
  • C Recurso literário para apresentar o assunto.
  • D Síntese do assunto abordado.
  • E Uso somente para introduzir o primeiro parágrafo do texto.

According to text clues, the compatible answer is:

 Language teaching in a multilingual world

    To discuss the complexity of language teaching, we adopt an ecological perspective. This helps us to appreciate the significant challenges for language teachers and language teacher educators at different contextual levels (macro, meso, and micro) (Chong, Issacs & McKinley, 2022). This perspective enables us to assess a variety of challenges relating to macrocontextual conditions, such as cultural traditions, political ideologies, demographic changes, shifting cultural values, and uncertain socioeconomic conditions. The impact of macro-contextual conditions is usually sifted through the mediation of institutional policies and practices at the meso or micro levels before causing changes in language teachers' practice and/or incurring resistance. The ecological perspective also highlights the roles individual teachers play in developing professional practice in response to the mediation of contextual conditions at different levels (e.g., Tao & Gao, 2017, 2018, 2021). It is also important to note that language teachers’ professional practice evolves over time under changing contextual conditions. 

    Shifting geo-political conditions and the values the public attaches to language learning have been found to profoundly impact language teaching, as they lead to the emergence of new languages, new curricula and the promotion of new pedagogical approaches in educational systems (Gao & Zheng, 2019). For instance, following the government's Belt and Road initiative, universities on the Chinese mainland have launched programs in various languages other than English (LOTE) to provide university graduates with the competences needed to engage with the expanding trade opportunities and frequent sociopolitical exchanges between the People's Republic of China and the countries that speak these LOTEs (e.g., Arabic, Persian).The implementation of these top-down educational initiatives requires language teachers to develop new knowledge and skills, which may enable them to develop new pedagogical practices while engendering a process of ‘deskilling,’ as teachers are told that their well-honed teaching practices are no longer valued. Consequently, the initiatives present new challenges for language teachers, who may not be well-prepared for the task of helping national governments achieve their aspirations. 

    An increasingly deep engagement with multilingualism in second language acquisition research has had a profound impact on language teacher education, as scholars have been critically examining, identifying, and redressing the deeply entrenched influences of monolingualism, especially English monolingualism, in language education (Li Wei, 2018). The vision of sustaining a multilingual, multicultural world means that LOTEs should be promoted in any educational system as “linguistic diversity is both critical in sustaining cultural diversity and instrumental in supporting vibrant exchanges of knowledge and understanding.

(Available in: Adapted.) 

  • A Monolingualism halted deeper second language acquisition research.
  • B Language teaching has been proven to impact geo-political conditions.
  • C Belt and Road initiative is an instance of top-down educational gumption.
  • D It is not feasible to coordinate linguistic diversity and cultural conservation.

Os dois-pontos presentes no 8º parágrafo foram utilizados textualmente para introduzirem um(a):

  • A Fala de personagem.
  • B Enumeração de tópicos.
  • C Citação filosófica.
  • D Termo imperativo.
  • E Explicação de termo específico do parágrafo anterior.

Para o autor do texto, o que mais importa, atualmente, para estruturar o que se considera uma família, são os laços:

  • A Consanguíneos.
  • B Parentais
  • C Afetivos.
  • D Uniparentais.
  • E Ancestrais.