Prova da Prefeitura de Japonvar - Professor II (Professor de Disciplina Específica) Inglês - COTEC (2024) - Questões Comentadas

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INSTRUÇÃO: Consider the following text to answer this question. 
Luisa and Marina are visiting their grandmother's house. Her grandmother ______ to donate her comic book collection to them:

− Girls, I have a gift for you that was from your great grandfather. That he ______ me and today will be yours. I ______ all these comic books for years. They are unique editions that my father ______ to me more than 30 years ago. But, first, you need to promise that you will take care of them just like I ______.

Fonte: O elaborador, 2024.

Select the alternative that presents the words that correctly fill in the gaps, considering the order of the text.
  • A decides, gave, keep, buy, did.
  • B decided, gave, kept, bought, did.
  • C decided, give, kept, buy, did.
  • D decided, gave, kept, bought, do.
  • E decides, give, keep, buy, do.

According to scientists, what are the health benefits of broccoli consumption?

  • A Keep your heart and bones healthy and may reduce the risk of cancer.
  • B Help to avoid flu, headaches, cancer and others degeneratives diseases
  • C Combat osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer and ulcers.
  • D Increases the Vitamin A on blood, helping to strengthen the immune system
  • E Increases the level of white blood cells in the blood.

What substance does broccoli contain that scientists believe helps prevent cancer?

  • A Myrosinase.
  • B Sulforaphane.
  • C Tollefsbol.
  • D Vitamin K.
  • E Vitamin C.

How does the substance contained in broccoli that theoretically helps prevent cancer act in the human body?

  • A Helping your body regulate blood circulation and clotting.
  • B It can lower your bad cholesterol levels and risk of coronary heart disease.
  • C Protecting cells from the inflammation that promotes the growth of cancer.
  • D Keeping your heart and bones healthy.
  • E By stimulating collagen production.

Which of the sentences below are CORRECT?

I. I study Portuguese on the afternoon. II. I never get out in the winter. III. He was born at 1995. IV. Rio de Janeiro gets too hot on December. V. My videogame is in the bedroom. VI. We could live together, walking on the moon.

Are CORRECT only the alternatives 

  • A I, II e III.
  • B I, III e V.
  • C I, III e IV.
  • D II, III e IV.
  • E II, V e VI.