Prova da Prefeitura Municipal de Palma Sola - Professor - Língua Inglesa - AMEOSC (2023) - Questões Comentadas

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Mark the alternative that does have a synonym to the word "hazard" (8º§).

  • A Danger.
  • B Distressed.
  • C Cornerstone.
  • D Worldliness.

Consider the excerpts below.
I."The average Brit could guzzle 15 cans of Diet Coke in a day before exceeding the 40 milligrams of aspartame per kilogram of body weight threshold (produção)." (8º§)
II."The amounts of methanol released are lower than found in orange juice, so unlikely an issue (suspeita)." (7º§)
III."Dr Hall says the chemicals produced by sweeteners have been found to "disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria in our gut (intestinal) microbiome [...]." (6º§)
In which (of them) the underlined word(s) is(are) correctly translated?

  • A Only II and III.
  • B Only I and II.
  • C Only I.
  • D Only III.

According to the World Health Organisation, what is the potential designation for aspartame in relation to cancer?

  • A It has been classified as a possible carcinogen.
  • B It has been classified as a known carcinogen.
  • C It has been classified as a safe substance.
  • D It has not been classified yet.

What has been one of the most debated topics in nutritional science regarding the health effects of Diet Coke?

  • A The effect of Diet Coke on male and female fertility.
  • B The impact of Diet Coke on weight loss.
  • C The correlation between Diet Coke and heart disease.
  • D The role of Diet Coke in disrupting the gut microbiome.

What is the general consensus regarding the safety of consuming aspartame?

  • A It is classified as a hazardous substance.
  • B Its safety depends on the individual's body weight.
  • C It is considered safe regardless of the amount consumed.
  • D It is safe to consume within accepted daily limits.