Prova do - UEG (2019) - Questões Comentadas

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According to the ideas expressed in the text, we verify that

  • A WWF used controlled fires to revitalize prairie lands and aggressive vegetation forests which were inhospitable to wildlife and human beings.
  • B in 2018 US had a massive burning forest incident which accidentally was set by WWF to clear acres of forests and it went out of control on that year.
  • C controlled burns doesn´t alter water cycles, soil fertility or grassland habits because it is a millennial technique to restore soil conditions for farming.
  • D beneficial fire burn, for forest management, is an important technique used along the years to support new wildlife growth and it can also revitalize habitats.
  • E controlled burns are used for forest management by American and Indonesian governments with WWF scientists supporting them to maintain grassland habitats.

Considering the ideas expressed in the text, artificial intelligence (AI) systems

  • A are going to have the capacity to identify future health problems which physicians may not perceive through the amount of patients’ data.
  • B and new technological devices are going to replace the regular professionals on diagnosis through time, only health experts are going to remain.
  • C will certainly change the medical procedures through data collected by patients wearable devices which are going to be 24 hours connected to the body.
  • D are going to be much more evolved than today and they will make decisions on health care treatments through electronic patient’s health data.
  • E will assist doctors decisions on specific surgery situations in which the medical staff have human decisionmaking issues.

According to the information in the text, the global education systems are assessed by PISA and it is

  • A a thermometer for policy makers which tend to copy policies from the higher performance assess countries.
  • B an international assessment education tool to comprehend how world education systems are performing in math, science or reading skills.
  • C presented by the contents of reading, mathematics, scientific literacy and english, those are the assessed contents by 15-year-olds students.
  • D offered by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) which determines the contents and education policies all over the world.
  • E the most important tool to evaluate the best country rankings and its results tend to change education systems from those countries which didn’t perform well on the assessments.

Considerando as ideias apresentadas no texto, constata-se que

  • A o capitalismo, nos últimos anos, tem sido um sistema econômico que tem contribuído de forma relevante para o contínuo desenvolvimento social do planeta.
  • B o uso das matérias-primas, exploradas principalmente pelas empresas multinacionais, tem sido equilibrado, causando menores impactos ambientais.
  • C mudanças no clima e extinção de espécies no planeta apontam para a busca de meios alternativos para a contenção de desperdício de matéria-prima.
  • D o relatório apresentado confirma que o uso de energias alternativas é a melhor forma de se gerar energia sem causar impactos negativos ao meio ambiente.
  • E há uma notória mudança política e social que está redefinindo o papel do capitalismo para aumentar o crescimento econômico dos países emergentes.

De acordo com o texto, em termos de sentido, verifica se que

  • A acute health conditions, em português, pode ser compreendido como “ameaças às condições de saúde”.
  • B maintaining grassland habitats pode ser compreendido em português como “manutenção de planícies”.
  • C burnt up and extinguished pode ser compreendido, na língua portuguesa, como “exausto e extinguido”.
  • D ill-advised, na língua portuguesa, pode ser compreendido como “conselhos duvidosos ou doentios”.
  • E well-thought-out and well-managed pode ser compreendido como “bem pensado e bem planejado”